Thursday, December 2, 2010

Travel nursing

Well, that was fast! I applied for a travel nursing job yesterday and they already called me! Hope it all works our because the deal sounds pretty sweet. Pay about $12 more an hour than what I make now, moving stipend and living allowance! I told them Boulder/Denver area and I am seeing what they have to offer. Exciting stuff! I tell ya, if you have the means and not tied down, I don't know why everyone doesn't do travel nursing. They supply housing, pay excellent and you get to see the country! I'm really going to miss all the great Doctors and Nurses that I work with. After three years you really start to build some solid relationships and trust with these people. So as for our move, I'm particularly not looking forward to the packing.. arg. But I did clear out all unnecessary items and have been stealing loads of boxes from work. I've moved enough times already that I should be good at it, but it still stinks. I'm trying to steal some of my husbands optimism ;) I say he has an illness, it's called Chronic Optimism, I swear he must hear reggae music in his head all day long! It's not a bad disease to have ;) So today, I hear, it is cold in Florida. I wouldn't know because I have been in a building all day long, but I'm preparing to freeze my tush off, ya know practice. I swear with all the life changes I've had within the last 3 years a move should be cake! There is one thing to say about all this craziness, if Arni and I can make it through our first year of marriage with moving and job changes, we can make it through anything!

Oh and as promised some horse show pictures!

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